Exchange Online Shared Calendar. Open a sharepoint calendar and go to “list settings” in the calendar tab. The user sees their categories list, but when they open the event, the top left corner shows my category title for the event.

Exchange Online Shared Calendar

Publish a user’s calendar (as an organization administrator): Create a shared mailbox/calendar in exchange online.

(Lets Utilize The Default Calendar Within The Shared Mailbox.) Connect To Exchange Online.

To learn how users can access and use shared mailboxes, check out the following articles:

For More Information, See The Calendar Sharing In Microsoft 365 Article Referenced In The First Bullet Point Below.

Set up a group calendar.

In The Next Update, Calendars.

Images References :

Create A Shared Mailbox/Calendar In Exchange Online.

For more information on other functional.

Give The New Calendar Group A.

It pays off in the end as well.

How To Set Up A Shared Calendar Or.